More visibility
Stay organised and updated with full visibility from your PropertyMe dashboard.
More efficiency
A seamless digital experience for tenants and Property Managers, no extra downloads or email searches.
More value
Paperless Entry Inspections are included in your Standard PropertyMe subscription, allowing you to manage more of your day in one powerful platform.
A simplified tenant experience
From a single app tenants can access what they need in real time, providing a streamlined communication path and improved customer experience. Tenants can stay organised with due date prompts and complete their Entry Inspection Report digitally, including photos, comments and signatures.
Full visibility puts you in control
Real-time tracking, automation and alerts mean there is no more checking off to-do lists or calendar entries to keep on top of due dates with full visibility across the status of Inspections including pending, unopened or completed.
A powerful integrated platform
Power up your Paperless Entry Inspections with the full suite of ProperytMe features including Message Automation, Reminders, Document Management, Templates, real-time status updates and a single dashboard overview.